Friday, November 25, 2011

My Star Wall

One of my favorite things is the night sky filled with stars. You know the very first scene in Disney's Aladdin where the narrator throws a handful of sand into the air and the sand comes to life, sparkling and whizzing around only to take it's place as the stars in the night sky? Or in the television series Dr. Who where he looks up at the stars and tells Rose that there are billions and billions of worlds? I feel like that when I look at the stars. I also love Van Gogh's painting Starry Night for the same reason. It perfectly captures how I feel about the night sky. There are billions of worlds! People and places and things I cannot even imagine! It speaks to me. The stars are practically alive! But at the same time, you can be still, contemplate, feel peace, eternity, and glory just by looking up. I love that. When God made the stars even He was pleased and "... saw that it was good" (Genesis chapter 1 verse 18).

I could spend hours looking at the stars. Because I like them so much, I try to re-create the night sky with glow in the dark plastic stars in my bedroom. I have probably seventy-five stars, moons, galaxies, planets, and comets that I take great pride in arranging on my bedroom wall. I try to arrange them, not in designs, but as the actual stars appear. It is harder than it sounds! It is a poor substitute, but I still get a lot of joy from having them glow over me in the night. I call the finished product my "little universe" or my star wall. Unlike the real night sky, my star wall stars only glows if I shine a light on them first. Therefore, every night I shine a light on them before I go to bed. I call this ritual "charging my universe."  Once my universe is charged, I turn off the lights and voila! The whole wall is a glitter! It is fantastic!

God is God because the things He does and the things He creates are perfect. They are awe inspiring and motivate all mankind to do good. We are His children. He tries to teach us how to do the things He does. Fortunately, star creation is not a requirement here on earth. But just like I try to follow God's pattern of stars on my wall, we should try to follow other patterns He gives. Christ demonstrates all of these patterns: caring for the poor, the sick, the widowed, worshiping on the sabbath, studying and teaching from the scriptures, forgiving others, etc. Even though our efforts to replicate God's patterns in our life may be small, plastic, and require charging, we can still feel joy. If we are following God's design in our lives then we will get the same joy in the results or "creations" that God does in His. That is the point! God has given us this tiny life of our own to learn how to do His works and receive joy from them. The stars, as amazing as they are, were not the crowning achievement or the purpose of God's creations. It was us! and we should find joy in our work, or, in trying to be like God. David is impressed by this fact in Psalms chapter 8 verses 3-6, 9:

"When I consider thy heavens, the work of they fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man,  that thou visitest him? For thou has made him a little lower than the angels and hast crowned him with glory and honour. Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:... O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!"

Champion good! Follow God's patterns! Receive joy!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Walnut Lessons

This will be short. It is pretty simple, but I think the message is worth it.

People are stubborn and hard headed. I know I am! We think we are something special. We talk back, ignore advice, and get cocky. It is hard to work with someone who thinks that they are always right. They get so darn inflexible they won't learn anything! This reminds me of walnuts because walnuts are very hard to crack. 

 Luckily, God is a master walnut crack-er. He can get through our stubborn habits and bring out the good in us. Everyone has a delicious, rich soul with perspectives and talents to contribute to the cookie dough of eternity. God knows that, so He has the patience to work through our hard headedness and bring out the best in us. That is nice, don't you think?

Champion good! Let God bring out the best in you so you can be part of His recipes!

Mmmmmmm cookies!


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Shhhhhhhh! Sleeping

I had not really thought about it before, but God has designed us to sleep. We are not designed to sleep all of the time, but we are designed for it!   

Think of it! First, you are struck by a yawn attack. Then you start losing control of everything. Your eyes droop, your head nods, you loose track of conversations, and have less and less preference between a mattress, a couch, or a floor! The need for sleep is part of having a physical body. So, if God wanted to us to come to earth and learn how to use a physical body, he must have wanted us to learn how to sleep!

Check this out:

"...Retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary: arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated" (Doctrine and Covenants chapter 88 verse 124).

Everyone has different sleeping needs (or wants! "Arise early"is either a joy or a drudgery for most.), but one thing remains constant: we have to take good care of ourselves. God knew that. Good sleep is not just good advice for the care of our bodies. It is good for our spirits too. We are refreshed and invigorated. We are kinder, happier, and more likely to heed God's influence if we are awake enough to feel it.

Here is one of my favorite scriptures:

"Counsel with Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day" (The Book of Mormon, Alma chapter 37 verse 37).

Champion good! Sleep well!

Friday, November 4, 2011

"Mmmmmm, Just Right!" Contentment

What is it like to be perfectly happy? I do not know. But, I do know what it is like to be happily content. I think that is as close to being perfectly happy as I can get. I love it! When I think about what I want from life, I do not think about what makes me "happy" as much as I think about what makes me content.

Here are some things that remind me of what it is like to be happily contented:

You know how you feel right after a good laugh? Or after being tickled? There is a relaxed, happy feeling of relief and peace. You feel great! I think that is contentment.

You know how you feel when you hold a brand new baby who is sleeping and all snuggled up in a blanket? You feel awe and an ennobling responsibility towards that tiny little person. I think that is contentment.

You know how it feels when you look at a family or group of friends all talking and being happy without even trying? That is how it feels to be content.

You know how you feel when you look across a river or a valley or a sunrise? Content! You feel content! Man! So many tiny things (FREE things) make me feel content! I am so lucky!

Since I have been out doing missionary work, I have come across lots of people who do not believe me when I try to explain that church and God bring greater happiness. They do not comprehend what "being with God again" means for them. It made me wonder what I got out of church and God too. I went for a week or two trying to figure out what was in my life because of church and God. Why would I work and struggle for something that did not give me anything in return? It does give me something in return. It gives me contentment. I have been content on a very deep level because of what the gospel teaches me. Baby-holding or sunrise contentment do not even begin to compare with how I feel because of my obedience to the gospel. It reminds me of the lyric "Still waters run deep." My contentment runs deep. It cannot be easily disturbed because it is a permanent fixture as long as I am obedient to God. I know the gospel of Christ is true because nothing else in this world makes me feel the same.