Saturday, August 27, 2011

Favorite foods!

Food is wonderful! It makes me happy and it is something that I think about all of the time. I like to eat it, I like to cook it, and I like to share it.


Some of my favorite foods are fancy: for instance lasagna, clam chowder, and Navajo tacos. Some of them are spicy, some of them are sweet, and some of them sour. But, one of my all time favorite foods is bread, butter, and jam (with a glass of milk!)

Bread is simple. Butter is simple. And jam is simple. Yet, I can eat it over and over and never get tired of it. If I ever have a surprise visit from a friend and they get hungry, I make bread and jam! It never fails.

More food!

In the scriptures Christ eats food with all kinds of people. He gets made fun of for eating with the "un-cool" crowd (Matthew chapter 9 verse 11). He does a little bit of cooking (John chapter 21 verses 9-13).  He even helps feed the hungry when he performs the miracle of the loaves and fishes (Matthew chapter 15 verses 32-38).

Food is a great tool for champion-ing good. Give it away, share it, sit by people and talk with them while you both eat. Do not be stingy with your food or your food time. Use it to help people and share what you have even if you do not have much. Just in case you are not confident in your cooking skills, never fear! Bread and jam hits the spot every time!

Champion good! Eat food!
 I made this! (chicken and dumplings)

Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy, Wet Dog

God works in mysterious ways. Last week I had a very very bad day; and God sent a dog to change it.

In Fairfield, California there is a library. Behind the library is a walking path and a peaceful, clear pond. The pond has a flock of ducks, some geese as well as some beautiful trees and a little footbridge.

While my friend was inside the library I decided to step out to the pond to have some time to myself. I was all dressed up in my newest black dress. My hair was nice, my makeup was nice, and I looked gorgeous. But truthfully, I felt terrible. I was overwhelmed, tired, lonely, and did not know what to do.

In the peace of the duck pond I decided to pray. I prayed out loud with tears slowly rolling down my face and my voice choking up. I thought that if I prayed, God would just take away my feelings. But by the time I ended my prayer nothing had changed.

I stood by the pond. I got out my phone and started to flip it over and over in my hands. Tears dripped down my face into the grass.

Then I heard a splash. Looking up, I saw a man tossing sticks into the pond for his big, black dog. The dog leapt after the stick sending the ducks into a flurry. Joyfully he splashed back to his owner with the stick, drenching the man's legs and flip flops.
Then, the dog caught sight of me. Abandoning his game of fetch, he bounded over to me! His tongue was lolling out of his grinning mouth, his fur was sopping wet, and he came right to me and snuggled up to my legs. My shiny, black high heels were swimming in doggie-pond water. But I did not care! He was so happy to see me! He paced and jumped around me grinning and trying to play. Then he planted all four of his feet and... SHOOK!
...all over my perfect new dress, my perfect hair, and my perfect makeup. And I laughed! I laughed so hard and so fully I'm sure the whole library turned to see what was happening! I laughed and laughed and laughed!

Of course the owner sprinted to my rescue and was perfectly apologetic. He was so sorry his dog had ruined my clothes and interrupted what I was doing. He strictly took the dog by the collar and marched him to the other side of the pond.

I watched them, laughing as they marched away. Then I realized that I felt completely different from the moment before. My feelings had lightened. My tears had dried (although my dress and shoes were still wet.) I looked at the pond and at the sky and smiled upward.

God hears prayers and he answers them. Perhaps your time of need will not be at a pond in a fancy dress. Nevertheless, your prayer can be just as swiftly and thoroughly answered as mine was with a happy, wet dog. 

Pray often! Champion good!

Monday, August 15, 2011


Water is one of my favorite things. Most of our planet is covered in water! Most importantly, our lives depend on water. Because of its importance water has become a powerful symbol. It represents renewal, refreshment, and purity.

Spiritual truth is like water. When we find it, our spirits recognize it. They are renewed, refreshed, and purified by it. We want more.
God is the source of all spiritual truth. His Son, Jesus Christ, taught the truth. He also gives the truth to special witnesses called prophets. Prophets are provided to teach the truth to us. To be champions of goodness and righteousness, we must drink deeply from the fountain of truth. We can do this by reading the scriptures and listening to the prophets.

" Therefore, with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation." (The Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 22:3)

Drink deeply and win the prize! Champion good!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Champion Good

When I think of champions I think of Olympic champions and battle heroes.            

In the Olympics, the best athletes in the world gather. They are competing to win medals. Three awards are given at the Olympics. Bronze medals, silver medals, and gold medals. Winning the gold is a astonishing achievement and earns you world-wide recognition. It takes a lot of training and dedication to receive this.
In battle, if a warrior shows exceptional bravery, strength, endurance, or strategy he is honored by his nation. Usually he is given an award such as a medal or priceless gift. He may advance in rank, be given money, or (in historical times) be offered a princess to marry! Soldiers train vigorously, follow orders, work with their comrades, and put their nation before themselves.

Champions start like everyone else. But they become more.

God expects each of us to become more than we are. He wants us to achieve His "gold medal" of eternal life and to put His cause before ourselves. He wants us to be champions of what is righteous, godly, and good.

We should work to champion the cause of God.