Friday, May 18, 2012

The Grave

I do not fear dying too much. If I had to die to save others or to support a noble cause, I think I could do it. I have never faced a life or death situation. I am certain I do not understand the paralyzing fear or sadness that accompanies it. But, if I am honest with myself, I think I could die willingly. I might cry or tremble while I face my end, but I think I could do it fear or not.

To be honest, what scares me more is losing someone I love. That has never happened to me and I dread the day it does.

Once I had a dog die. He was hit by a car. I cried a lot. I wrote down all of my favorite things about him. And I took good care of his grave for the first little while. However, the pain eventually passed, I got a new dog, and I no longer cried about it. But he was just a dog. What will it be like if it is someone I love?

Once I had a childhood friend die. However, I had not been in close touch with her for a long time. When I went to visit her grave, I cried because I was amazed that someone could just be gone. I had never experienced someone disappearing out of my life before. After I left her grave, I was quiet, but I was not sad anymore. Her death did not have a huge impact on me because we were not close. But,  how I would have felt if we had been close? The supreme sadness of losing someone terrified me.

There is a concept that I cling to. I have been taught it since I was little. It is: There is life after death. The scriptures teach us:
"And behold, again it hath been spoken, that there is a first resurrection, a resurrection of all those who have been, or who are, or who shall be, down to the resurrection of Christ from the dead.....The soul shall be restored to the body, and the body to the soul; yea, and every limb and joint shall be restored to its body; yea, even a hair of the head shall not be lost; but all things shall be restored to their proper and perfect frame" (The Book of Mormon, Alma 40:16, 23).

We can see our loved ones again! Death is not an end! Though it is deeply painful, it is not permanent. Isn't that the most wonderful news? It makes me feel so grateful! I do not have to be afraid! I can be with all of my loved ones again, forever.

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