Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Tai Kwon Do

When I was nine, my older brother watched The Karate Kid. He and the rest of my four brothers were so enthused they convinced our mom to sign us all up for a Tai Kwon Do class. She agreed under one condition: we had to buy our uniform and gear.

I think I borrowed a uniform until I was able to buy my own. The borrowed ones were plain and white. I liked class, but did not practice at home, which made me nervous for every class. However, I had a good instructor. He was a tall, thin man with a low voice, a thick mustache and a trusting way about him. I looked up to him a lot. I wanted to please him with my progress, so eventually I did try to practice a little. I was dying for the day when I could wear my karate uniform in class! It would undoubtedly make me better at Tai Kwon Do! I wanted the belt and the Korean and America flag patches especially. They looked so official.

However, I did not have the money for my uniform. I saved up for over a month. I got an allowance, I did little jobs, and saved money I found in the laundry. I kept it all in a little purse.

You know the smell of change you've been holding in your hand? Nickles, dimes, pennies and quarters all smell that way if you hold them for any length of time. That smell became familiar to me.I counted the mounds of change in my purse over and over as I saved up for my uniform. I had a small wad of dollar bills, but for the most part, my savings were in change.

Eventually, the long awaited day came for me to buy my uniform. My mom and I walked solemnly back into my instructor's office. Both of them stood to the side as they watched me count out every penny of the required amount. After the few agonizing minutes of coins clinking onto the desk, I looked up and saw my mom and instructor looking at me proudly. I was extremely proud of myself. I had done it! I had earned my uniform!

Christ is ultimately the one who saves us. Choosing to follow Him is like me deciding to please my instructor. Someday we will stand before the Lord and give "an accounting" (The Bible, Matthew 12:36) of our lives. I think every small deed is a penny or two in our purse. I have no idea what judgement day will be like, but I think Christ will be just as proud of you and me and our small efforts to practice and to save up for our "heavenly" uniform. I think Heavenly Father and Christ see our efforts whether small or great, and are proud of us when we do our part. We will have their names and symbols emblazoned on our chests and look "official" and be great at Tai Kwon Do!

Champion Good!

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